Stronger Pergola Anchor: NO Soil Removal NO Concrete Dry Time

Western Timber Frame® offers an exclusive anchoring solution for arbors, trellises, pavilions, pergolas, gazebos, decks, gates, bridges and more. This simple and rapid installation is done without excavating.

- No damage to landscape or structures
- Perfectly leveled pergola posts for a sturdy structure
- No delays between the end of the installation and the beginning of the works
- Ideal for restricted spaces
- Installation no matter the season
- A removable and reusable system
Western Timber Frame® has teamed with GoliathTech® to bring you the best for a fast, easy, and stronger structure.

Harnessing the Power of Two Great Ideas!

Resembling a large screw, screw piles are installed deep into the ground, beneath the ground freezing level, to support the structure of your project solidly. This is an advantageous alternative to form tubes and is less expensive than concrete foundations and concrete footing.

Solid, Lasting Anchors for Pavilions, Pergolas, or Gazebos
Helical piles are a better, and easier solution to the conventional poured concrete pilings. Think of them as earth anchors that drive into the ground easily. GoliathTech Screw Piles will solidly support the structure over its lifespan, are much quicker to install, and the construction can begin immediately afterward. Plus, they’re installed using small equipment that leaves no damage to the yard — perfect for backyards where space can be tight.
No damage from cold or frost, and no movement.

Solid Anchoring Prevents Movement
Screw Piles are installed deep into stable soil to solidly support the deck, even the largest and heaviest-load Pergolas or Gazebos, in any soil or environment condition. These pergola legs feature helices with a diameter from 8 to 17 inches as required, for optimal compression and tension performance. Precise engineering and installation method ensures that over time the deck will remain stable.

ShadeScape® Deck GoliathTech™ Pergola Anchor

GoliathTech screw piles solidly support decks over the long term, are much quicker to install, and allow deck construction to begin immediately after the installation. Plus, they’re installed using small equipment that leaves no damage to the yard – perfect for backyards where space can be tight. Able to withstand strong winds and yet nimble enough to install around large planters or in tight spaces. Perfect for decks that need to support extra weight.
Quality Engineering
- Saddle Bracket With Optimal Height Adjustment
- Easy Installation
- MAKE THE CONNECTION Strong & Secure Bolted Head Connection
- Extensions Help Reach Stable Soil
- Galvanizing Process Protects Steel Against Corrosion
- A contractor can adapt a solution to fit each installation
- Calibrated torque-reading equipment ensures a precise fit
- Height-Adjustable via threaded rod; adjustable head length
- Industry-leading rod and pile compression resistance
- Extension and mounting bolts feature high-shear capacity
- Superior load-bearing capacity
- High tension handling of rods and tubes to prevent uplift

- Performance in cohesive & cohesionless soil
- Fights frost and thawing soil movements from the inside out
- The polyurethane core prevents freezing ground around the helix
- Prevents lateral or vertical movement of the deck, especially in windy conditions

- ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 Certified
- ICC-ES ESR-3726 Certified
- CWB / AWS D1.1 Certified
- CCMC #13675-R Certified
- ACQ and CA compliant
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