Cedar Easy DIY Pergola Hot Tub Cover

Cedarwood has a warm, woodsy fragrance that creates a pleasureful, uplifting experience. As a bonus for outdoor hot tub lovers, Cedar is inherently designed by nature with insect-repelling qualities. Native Americans used the oil from Cedarwood to repel mosquitoes and to guard against common pests. Cedar oil was also used to protect crops from insects and repel flies from livestock. Closets and chests are sometimes lined with Cedar to be moth-free. Thujaplicin is the aromatic agent of Cedar, making it a natural antibacterial and antifungal wood.
The center of the Lebanon flag is a Lebanon cedar tree, symbolizing tolerance and immortality. Accordingly, the Lebanon Cedarwood was used to construct King Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem and in the making of ships for Alexander the Great. Just a bit of fun Cedar trivia.
For a pergola, Cedar is most often finished in a clear, natural stain to show off its stylish golden hue with beautiful curling knots. This easy DIY Timber Kit is finished in the premium, high grade, UV protective Natural Stain. The ShadeScape™ DIY Pergola Kit features a FullWrap™ Roof. The FullWrap™ roof has the beam and rafter end profiles for a stunning finish on ever side of the roof. Full arched knee braces meet with a decorative keystone on three sides with two Classic Style knee braces facing the house.
The Pergola Kit comes with interlocking joints that are ready to drop into place. The kit is pre-fit to make sure the installation is not only easy but fast and flawless.

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