What is a Cabana?

A typical Cabana is freestanding, designed for shade that can be a permanent structure or folded up and carried away. The only thing that distinguishes a traditional Cabana from a Pavilion is that a traditional Cabana has some exterior walls usually constructed with hanging or draped with fabric curtains.

In tropical areas Cabanas are often seen as small hut structures with a thatched roof designed specifically for dressing rooms with or without curtains located by a beach or nearby pool. Today travelers who wish to indulge themselves can reserve a Cabana for private or entertainment purposes that feature cocktails, private pools, services, comfortable furniture and more.


Cabanas are no longer just for luxury resorts. Many homeowners are desiring to be pampered with the elegance and conveniences offered by five star getaways in their own backyard. While some Cabanas are as small as a changing closet others can include running water, lighting, ceiling fans, T.V.’s, bathrooms, kitchens etc. and can be as elaborate as a small home.


Cabanas and Pavilions are terms used so interchangeably that when a Pavilion has added amenities such as kitchens and luxury living areas it is considered by some to be a Cabana instead of a Pavilion even without curtained or exterior walls.

Although similar in their features a Pavilion is often referred to as a Cabana when it is located near a beach or pool. Whether it is a Cabana or a Pavilion, these outdoor structures are no longer confined to only shade protection or dressing rooms. With the many styles and amenities that are being incorporated into these outdoor structure, they are coming closer to resembling a cozy castle.


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