Timber Frame Pavilion Kit Before & After; Easy, Fast, Shade Relief
A Western Timber Frame™ heavy duty timber frame pavilion kit is so easy to install. In many ways, they are can be much easier to install than a typical hardware store kit because of its sheer size and strength that allow for the posts to stand upright. Combining it with the dovetailed interlocking joints makes it a straightforward installation.
It has easy interlocking corners and rafters layouts that are already cut ready to just drop into place like connecting Lincoln logs. All the hard work has already been done ready to install onsite.
This not only makes more precise and easier installation it also makes it so much faster. Depending on the kit and design some of these kits can go in as little as one afternoon.
At Western Timber Frame they also provides installation if you would like the kit installed for you.
This is an 18' x 24' timber frame pavilion kit installed onsite with an Early American stained finish. It is just a few short hours it is nice to enjoy comfortable relieving shade and protection from the elements for generations of gatherings and community get togethers.
Mouseover this picture below to see before and after.
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