Charming Timber Frame Arbor Kit for the Garden & Landscape

Installing a timber frame arbor kit adds an impressive element to an outdoor living area or garden landscape design. Arbors can range from a simple, decorative accessory to elaborate and ornate garden features. An arbor can also function to enhance the exterior of a home.
An arbor is freestanding with arch and lattice work that can support climbing vines. Arbors vary in size and shapes, and often are used for shade over a passageway from one area to another. They also can feature a small seating area with built in benches.
Arbors are used interchangeable with pergolas. While a pergola is used to provide support for plants, pergolas typically provide shade for larger areas.
Arbors constructed from timber and other timber frame structures such as pavilions, pergolas, gazebos, swings, decks, etc are easily constructed during the winter months as well. While the garden in under snow you can still be making improvements by enhancing your grounds and preparing for another wonderful gardening year.
Adding an timber frame arbor kit to a landscape can ensure that even the most difficult landscaping area can be made over into something beautiful and more user friendly.

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