Fast & Easy More Durable DIY Timber Frame Arbor Kit Install

This is a heavy duty DIY timber frame arbor kit with superior strength due to the amazing design of The Dovetail Difference™ mortise and joint system. As you can see there are no ugly hangers or lag bolts in view. In conventional timber frame structures the middle of the beam is cut out which compromises the integrity of the structure for long term durability.

The Dovetail Notch System
The oldest timber frame architectural buildings and bridges implemented the ancient architectural joinery of dovetails, mortise and tenon or what we call The Dovetail Difference™. The dovetail joint has a trapezoidal angled shape that interlocks acting like a wedge with another angled timber for a puzzle-like fit that resists pullout. This gives the timbers 100% more strength against positive and negative wind load actions with added power to perform its inherit quality of expanding and contracting dampening out resonate frequencies. The natural air pockets within wood also gives the structure stability and is less affected by temperature extremes or prone to condensation as aluminum, metal or vinyl is. The dovetail joint does not depend on pinions to stay against tension. The dovetail works as an extension of timber allowing for shrinkage and weather variations while remaining secure and snug.
With exceptional construction techniques, designs that are properly engineered and expert craftsmanship, a pressure treated timber pergola can be expected to last even longer than timber structures of ages past. Timber frame is an investment in children and grandchildren proving to be safer, durable structures more resistant to powerful coastal storms, high winds, heavy snows of high mountainous regions and seismic shifting, maintaining structural integrity.
With the Western Timber Frame™ dovetail mortised system the structural integrity of a timber frame arbor will last not just for you but for you or someone else's great-great-great-great-grandchildren to enjoy.

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