Enhance Your Backyard Spa Experience: Therapeutic Bath
A timber frame bathhouse ShadeScape™ 10000 Series pavilion & 2 pergola ShadeScape™ 8000 Series kits installed with TimberVolt™ power.
Massive, over-sized, energy-giving warm timbers, a kiss of nourishing sunshine, wholesome waters and comforting shade are all highly therapeutic and healing to the body; Western Timber Frame™ specializes in pool houses, bathhouses, outdoor showers, outdoor baths & poolside family outdoor living environments.
Nature is usually the best in offering us safe reliable resources with her restorative and beneficial properties to better our lives. However, over generations of time some of nature's simplest rejuvenating "secrets" are sometimes not perpetuated, forgotten, or lost. Perhaps, this will only be a reminder or maybe it will inspire you to with nature's vast gifts of simple resources found in places as close as your own kitchen cupboard. Enjoy a stronger sense of being alive by enhancing your outdoor bathing or sunning experience with a few everyday common and not so common household products.
Timber outdoor showers are a great way to take in the healing sunshine.
A spa is a mineral spring that was considered to be endowed with the health benefits of life-healing properties. Today, the term ‘spa’ is used to refer to a locality, a resort or a commercial establishment that offers baths, massages, exercise equipment, health and beauty treatments. Bath additives such as herbs, essential oils, sea salts or other elements from the earths natural nest egg have purifying, detoxifying and therapeutic healing properties that can turn a simple bath into an invigorating personal spa.
ShadeScape™ 6000 Series DIY Pergola Kit
Milk and whey share the same pH-value as our skin. In Ancient Egypt, Cleopatra had milk from donkeys added to her bath water to make her skin softer. I feel for whomever it was who had work at the donkey dairy.
Showering, bathing and sponging is more than hygienic, it is pleasurable and since early times, water has served as a religious and social functions as well. The largest organ of the human body is our amazing tightly woven skin made up a several layers of ectodermal tissue. It helps to protect us, regulate temperatures, feel the sensation of touch and absorb. Dr. Hazel Parcells, known as a nutritional pioneer, said that 65% of the body is cleansed through the skin. Dermal absorption such as administered in modern transdermal drugs and medicines is not all new. Bathing has long served many purposes for heath as well as therapeutic relief. The are many bathing environments that serve for different purposes, each to provide a unique bathing experience. It is important to know what is right for you. At the bottom of this post I share open myself up by relating some of my own natural beauty blunders* as a precaution and maybe some amusement as smiling is one of the very best beauty enhancers.
Ancient Spa & Bathing Practices
In Europe in the 14th century bathing was a luxury for many, though people did take care of personal hygiene on all levels of society. Because of the fear of spreading disease via bath water through the skin, bathing was in Europe was said to be avoided for almost 300 years. Cleanliness was important however; cleansing was enjoyed by preparing water with herbs such as rosemary, orange peel, chamomile, sage or marjoram. Washing was a sponge bath rather than immersing oneself.
A bath is a choice time to submerge yourself in herbs or a remedy of your choice. You can tie some fresh or dried herbs inside of a washcloth or a "single" sock and secure it with a hair elastic or tie. It can be used to scrub your body as you breathe in its aromatic benefits. Afterwards, dispose of the bulky material in a waste basket or compost and your drain and plumbing will thank you.
Essential oils is even easier in preparation for a bath; e.g. in place of lavender flowers tea in a sock, simply add a few drops of lavender oil with Epsom salts after filling the tub. If you have a curtain to draw closed, it is helps to hold in the steam. However, not all herbs that are used for bathing are readily available as an essential oil.
Note: if you use citrus such as orange or lemon peel even in an essential oil, use them only with an evening bath, as it is said that it can make you photosensitive to exposed sunlight. It is my preference to use organic citrus peels if using fresh or dried peels.
Enliven Your Outdoor Spa & Bathing Experience
Feeling the healing warmth of the sun in a healing bath with tea.
Apple Cider Vinegar Bath
Common Claims Components of Apple Cider Vinegar May Do
• Natural Deodorizer
• Soothes Sunburn
• Relieves Itchy Skin
• Comfort Sore Muscles
• Moistens Dry Skin
• Clears Oily Skin
• Softens Complexion
• Mild Antiseptic
• Mild Antifungal
• Ease Psoriasis
• Promotes Healing
• Smooths Bumpy Skin
• Relieves Itching
• Fights Dandruff
• Acne Remedy
* Extracts Slivers
Apple cider vinegar has long been known as a natural cleaning product for homes, laundry and it cleansing properties for the body. It has been utilized for centuries but over time with the introduction of new products, the knowledge of its wonderful uses has been partially lost to the newer generations. Thankfully apple cider vinegar was well as other time-proven remedies are making a comeback.
Apple Cider Vinegar contains alpha hydroxyl acids; which is an organic acid used in the preparation of many skin-care products for its exfoliating properties; the process of removing the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Being a mild antiseptic protecting against the growth of microorganisms found on living tissue; apple cider vinegar is also anti-fungal, fighting against fungal infections common to hair, nails and skin, with naturally deodorizing and anti-inflammatory properties properties. It also helps to relieve sunburn, itchy skin and sore muscles. The acidity in vinegar is good for acne and helps to clear up the skin regulating the PH levels to so it is perfectly balanced; no more dry or oily skin. It is a good remedy for psoriasis. Some people recommend it for a remedy for bad breath as well but personally I believe it is too hard on the teeth to use as a common breath freshener. For a protective, soothing bath, add one cup of apple cider vinegar to your bathwater.
Preparation & Administering Practices
For a soft facial toner, mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with two cups of water. With a cotton ball, moisten your face to tighten the skin. Do not rinse. If you are concerned that you might have a strong scent of apple cider vinegar afterwards, do not worry; it will dissipate quickly. The natural alpha-hydroxy and acetic acids in the apple cider vinegar will stimulate better circulation and minimize pores as well.
Treat Bug Bites
Apple cider vinegar will ease swelling, relieve itching and speed the healing process when dabbed, undiluted on the bug-bitten skin.
Soak feet for 20 minutes in 1 cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with 4 cups of water, then rinse and dry. The apple cider vinegar not only disinfect the feet and fight the fungal conditions (such as athlete’s foot) but it will also deodorize any offending odors. It can also help to deodorize other areas of the body as well.
For sunburn, mix ½ cup of apple cider vinegar to 4 cups of water and apply to the burned skin to promote healing, balance the skin’s pH levels and help to prevent the skin from blistering.
For dandruff, prepare an equal mix of water and vinegar and massage over your scalp before you shampoo or add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to your shampoo to massage and wash your scalp to protect against further fungal growth.
Hair Rinse
As a hair rinse, mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar with water the same as you would for fighting against Dandruff. Apple cider vinegar will naturally give you shiny, lustrous hair removing the residue from other product buildup.
Smooth Bumpy Skin
Moisturizing your bumpy razor skin with a undiluted apple cider vinegar softens the irritated skin with its ant-inflammatory properties; which not only smooth the skin but helps detour ingrown hairs.
Heals Bruises
Apple cider vinegar’s anti-inflammatory properties will increase circulation and speed up the healing of bruises. Soak a gauze pad with undiluted apple cider vinegar holding securing the pad on the bruise for 60 or 70 minutes.
Magnesium Epsom Salt Bath
Common Claims Components of Epsom Salt May Do
• Natural Deodorizer
• Sliver Removal
• Relaxant
• Relieve Aches
• Increase Energy
• Hair Volumizer
• Relieves Itchy Skin
• Speed Healing
• Heal Skin Infections
• Heal Boils
• Improve Heart & Circulatory Health
• Relieves Carbuncles
• Soothe Mild Sunburns
• Lower Blood Pressure
• Regulate Electrolytes
Epsom salt is not a true salt but rather is a natural mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate and does not contain any sodium. It was harvested from a bitter spring in England called the Epsom in Surrey and since it resembled large salt crystals it was called Epsom Salt.
Magnesium is one of the most important and abundant elements in our bodies. You might call it a miracle mineral that is crucial to your energy level, brain tissue, relaxing the nerves, help to maintain healthy blood pressure, healthy bones and prevent heart attacks, diabetes and strokes. About one half of the magnesium in our bodies is found in our bones. It is the second most abundant element found in out bodies.
The Epsom Salt Council reported a study organized by the University of Birmingham School of Biosciences measured participants before and after bathing in water with dissolved Epsom salt raised their levels of magnesium without any adverse effects. According to the study the ideal time is to soak for 12 minutes in 15 gallons of water with about 2 cups of Epsom salt, two or three times a week. Other listed studies also concluded that Epsom salts used in bathing is an easy and safe way to increase magnesium levels in the body. Interestingly, in one study, men and women a slight difference in the absorption of magnesium and sulfate levels.
Preparation & Administering Practices
Adds Volume to Hair Naturally
For beautiful, bouncier hair, mix a mixture of 1:1 hair conditioner with Epsom salt through your hair and relax for about 20 minutes, then rinse and style.
Relieve Body Aches
Magnesium is known for its laxative properties. Bathing is Epsom salt is a good way to absorb magnesium through the skin without the laxative effect. Sulfate is also important for the function of joints and tissues. Soak in 2 cups of dissolved Epsom salt in a bath tub, 2 or 3 times weekly for 12 minutes for flu, aches, arthritis, sprains and muscle injuries.
Gives Happy Thoughts
A few proponents are quick to debunk the benefits from a Epsom salt bath claiming that if there is any benefit it is purely a placebo effect. The notion that magnesium can be absorbed through the skin is not possible as the skin was created to be a protective barrier and cannot absorb enough to be beneficial. Others claim there is just not enough scientific studies to back it up. Although, I strongly disagree with a simple statement of there is not enough evidence and it isn’t possible. Medications and birth control are regularly given through the skin. Whether or not enough magnesium is absorbed through the skin to increase serotonin and give balance to our neurotransmitter for a happier mood or not, the silky softness of of my skin after having an Epsom salt bath makes me very happy. Also, magnesium is a positively charged ion; which can help but create a more positive atmosphere.
Splinter Removal
A splinter, from materials such as metal, plastic, wood, thorn or glass can sometimes penetrate the skin so deep that digging is not only painful but unsuccessful. This remedy is also recommended for pets. Epsom salt can draw toxins and slivers out of the skin. Soak the affected area with a cup of warm water and epsom salt or actually just make a poultice with it. The Epsom salt will increase the skin’s osmotic pressure drawing the sliver to the surface of the skin. After a couple of my friends tried this, they too gave epsom salt a permanent place in their medicine cabinet.
Essential Oil
Add 5-10 drops of some lavender, chamomile, rose or other of your favorite essential oils to reduce stress and increase your pleasure with an epsom salt bath.
If you are like me, and love soaking in a steaming hot bath, know that your skin is not thanking you. An Epsom salt bath is best when warm or tepid. Temperature is an important factor in taking a bath and not stripping away the natural protective oils on your skin. Epsom salt is an exfoliator, acting as a facial in removing the oldest inert skin cells.
Relieves Bug Bites
Applying a paste made with cold water and Epsom Salt to relieve an itching and rash from bug bites or stings.
Essential Oil Bath
Enjoy an aromatherapy bath with its relaxing and health benefits by adding five to seven drops of essential oil to an ounce milk, almond or sesame oil to disperse it or to two cups of Epsom salts. Add the mixture to the running bath water to mix it well before entering the tub. If the essential oil is added without an emulsifier or Epsom salts the oil will float on top of the water.
Essential oils also make a nice facial steam that is excellent to relieve headaches, open up the sinuses and treat skin conditions. Cover your head with a towel over a pot of hot water with one two to five drops of essential oil.
For a relieving compress, add five to ten drops of oil to about four ounces of hot water on a cloth and wrap for bruises, muscle aches and dysmenorrhea.
Pergola over an outdoor spa and massage center.
Preparation & Administering Practices
Rose Oil
Rose oil has an appealing fragrance that is wonderfully relaxing, a favorite for bathing and massage. It improves the body’s immune system and circulation and is a natural sedative and antidepressant. The oil can be massaged into the skin, one drop of rose oil to 10 drops of almond oil to stimulate and relieve coughs, colds, asthma, fevers, skin, organs, muscles and nerves.
Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is a particularly calming oil that improves sleep, is healing to irritated skin, and enhances complexion and blood circulation, heals burns. Lavender is a natural bug repellent against mosquitoes, moths and midges. If you happen to be bit by one, it is also is an anti-inflammatory and will reduce the pain of bug bites.
Note: Ancient texts tell us that lavender has been used for millenniums. Romans used lavender for bathing and cooking. Some researches claim that lavender may be the costly oil that Mary used to anoint the feet of Jesus. Spikenard or nard is the name for Lavender in the Greek: "Mary then took a pound of very costly perfume of pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume." –John 12:3. The Latin name, Lavare, means, "to wash". Egyptians used lavender oil for mummification and as a perfume.
The aroma of lavender makes a fantastic bath helpful in regulates heart rate, relieving headaches, treating migraines, depression and emotional stress. Combine it with rosemary oil and it increases mental activity.
Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus oil has a very distinctive aroma and taste with a wide range of health benefits and medicinal qualities. It comes from an evergreen tree, known as fever tree with inflammatory, deodorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, and antispasmodic properties. There are over 300 different varieties of Eucalyptus trees. The Lemon Eucalyptus Lemon has a lemony perfume. Eucalyptus is a refreshing remedy for colds, coughs, muscle aches and pains. Like, lavender oil it too is a natural insect repellent. Try a bath of half Eucalyptus oil drops with half Lavender oil drops. This is a winning combination!
Note: Undiluted Eucalyptus oil can cause skin irritation and must be administered properly. Eucalyptus oil can be effective in working against cavities, gingivitis, plague build-up and mouth infections; which is why it is an active ingredient commonly found in toothpastes, mouthwashes and hygienic dental products.
Frankincense oil
Like Eucalyptus oil, Frankincense oil is also a useful and natural preventative against cavities, infections, toothaches, mouth sores, infections and strengthens gums. For a bath it softens skin, strengthens hair roots, promotes cells to regenerate, reverses signs of aging and reduces the appearance of scars and stretch marks. Frankincense oil has the highest known concentrate of Cictrisant, a property that helps to not only fade scars and stretch marks faster but it also clears acne, pox and surgery marks much faster. It truly is an anti-aging essential so good for the skin. Frankincense oil also relieves headaches, delays menopause, abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea and mood swings.
Baking Soda Bath
Common Claims that Components of Baking Soda May Do
• Natural Deodorizer
• Soothes Sunburn
• Relieves Itchy Skin
• Comfort Sore Muscles
• Moistens Dry Skin
• Clears Oily Skin
• Softens Complexion
• Mild Antiseptic
• Mild Antifungal
• Ease Psoriasis
• Promotes Healing
• Smooths Bumpy Skin
• Relieves Itching
• Acne Remedy
My grandmother was from Wyoming and had a beautiful, white, nahcolite rock in her home. She told me it was a baking soda rock. This is where baking soda in its pure natural form comes from and has been used for hundreds of years. Today, virtually all of the baking soda in the United States comes from Green River, Wyoming. Green River is the supplier of over 1/4th of the world’s entire supply of baking soda. The baking soda is mined from an ore called trona that is heated until it turns to ash and then is processed by treating it with carbon dioxide. Baking soda has so many valuable uses from extinguishing a fire, softening your laundry or skin, cleaning your home and more. There have even been some claims that it can cure cancer.
Baking soda is wonderful to alkalize your body and is claimed to detoxify, helping to remove toxic substances such as are found in caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and some medications and its effect from the body through the skin. The alkaline bathwater can leave your skin feeling smooth and silky. A sitz bath with baking soda soothes irritated skin and can be relieving for those suffering from hemorrhoids, yeast infections and other burning sensation discomforts.
For doing laundry, cleaning and unclogging drains, I don't mind the processed baking soda for cost. But for personal beauty and cooking, I prefer natural baking soda. Most marketed baking soda is chemically processed and not ground down in its pure natural state.
Preparation & Administering Practices
Natural Deodorant
As an alternative away from aluminum and parabens in antiperspirants, here is a suggested simple, yet effective deodorant. Mix 6 tablespoons of baking soda, 6 tablespoons coconut oil, 4 tablespoons of Shea butter, 4 tablespoons arrowroot. If you prefer you can replace the arrowroot with more baking soda and add in an essential oil for fragrance. Heat the coconut oil and Shea butter over a double boiler and combine the ingredients in a glass jar. It will soften and melt in the summer time but does make a soft but good deodorant. Shoes can also be deodorized by sprinkling some baking soda in place of spraying poisonous aerosols and air fresheners.
Relieves Itching
Applying a paste made with cold water and baking soda can relieve an itchy rash from plants or bug bite stings.
Removal of Blackheads
If your skin is soft blackheads can be removed more effectively. Steaming your face by draping a towel over your head over 16 ounces of boiled water with a few drops of Lavender oil, dried basil leaves or any essential oils that help with acne. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with water for a paste and apply in on the blackheads. Let sit for 60 seconds and ever so gently scrub the area. Wash off with warm water followed by cool water to close the pores. If you have extra sensitive skin be careful as some people are allergic to baking soda and be sure not to burn your face.
Extract a Sliver
This remedy is primarily for invisible slivers that deeply embedded and are often too small to be seen. Create a paste of water and baking soda. Spread the paste onto a bandage and apply it to the affected area for about 24 hours. The sliver should come close to the surface or break through and can be easily washed away or removed with tweezers. The method can be repeated again if needed.
Relieving Burning Discomfort
For a baking soda sits bath, fill the bathtub with enough warm water to submerge the lower half of your body. Stir in five or six tablespoons of baking soda with a wooden spoon. Soak the affected area for about 15-20 minutes. Use a soft towel to dry off to keep from irritating it further.
A baking soda sits bath can be relieving and some say detoxifying and soothing to a baby with painful diaper rash. Fill the bathtub with enough warm water to submerge the lower half of your body. Stir in about five tablespoons of baking soda with a wooden spoon. Soak the affected area for about 15-20 minutes. Use a soft towel to dry off.
Please note: Significantly diluted baking soda can promote healing but be cautious using baking soda as a paste never on broken skin or diaper rash.
Precautions with Baking Soda
1. Baking soda has been promoted as a wonderful shampoo alternative and for softening the hair in place of a conditioner. Baking soda does have a chemical effect on the hair but not one I would promote. The pH level of our hair is extremely important as it assures a healthy scalp, promotes hair to grow and prevents against infections. Our hair and the sebum (the natural oil on our scalp) has a pH of approximately 4.5 to 5.5. Yet, even water can increase the pH of a person’s hair.
Our hair is healthiest when we keep it in the same balance with its natural pH; our hair and skin is considered slightly acidic naturally. From chemistry we learned that the range of pH is between 0-14 with a neutral pH being 7.0 which is the pH of distilled water. If something is more acidic it has more hydrogen ions. The more alkaline, the more hydroxide ions it has. For instance, a lemon is acid with about 2 whereas the hydroxide ions in lye sometimes used to relax hair is about 13.0!
Baking soda has a pH of 9.0 which if used as a shampoo will dramatically raise the pH and effects the strands of hair. Just as hot water opens up the cuticles of the hair and cold water closes the cuticles, acidity closes cuticles and a base opens them. Baking soda raises the pH resulting in dry and unmanageable hair.
2. A baking soda bath can be especially refreshing but it also said to be detoxifying and as a precaution it is advised that people with high blood pressure, heart problems or expectant mothers should consult a doctor first.
3. Baking soda does not neutralize chlorine.
* Natural Beauty Blunders
People and products can fail you.
I have enjoyed many healthy natural products with much success, yet, I have also tried many natural herbal remedies and products over the years that turned out to be a bad experience. For example, I wanted a hair spray that would be more natural for my hair. I found a recipe online for a real lemon hairspray, sworn to hold your hair without all the nasty chemicals you might get from the commercial hairsprays. I had faith in people, believing that if someone said it worked, it did because obviously they had to have tried it themselves or they would not be recommending it to someone else. So, I mixed up a bottle of it for myself, precisely as the instructions dictated and then I sprayed it on my hair. Unfortunately, (another lesson) I sprayed it on just as I had to leave to a social event I needed to attend. The hair spray did hold my hair in place. The problem was that it held my hair incredibly well, so well, it would move out a foot from my head if I pushed it in on the other side. It was as stiff as dried glue, as if I had used a whole can of lacquer on my head. I can laugh hard now but it was not funny then. I guess it was then, too, but nonetheless I could press in on one side of my hair and my entire head of hair would move six inches past my head on the other side. I couldn't even run a comb through it. I had to soak it and soap it again and again, peeling dandruff-like residue out of my hair.
Study how to properly apply a product.
Though not as bad as my lemon hairspray experience, apple cider vinegar was also one of my natural beauty fails. Hearing how good apple cider vinegar was for your hair, I poured a whole cup on my head and it did not feel good even after washing it. It felt stripped and dry, not at all soft as promised. Since then, I have found that even if something is natural it must be used properly to reap the benefits and it is my personal belief that herbs, remedies, natural beauty products and what not, will work differently upon every body, that we are not all made the same. How many times I have had someone swear by some product that worked for them and I tried it and it just didn't do the same for me. That said, I re-experimented with apple cider vinegar using one whole cup to an entire bathtub filled with water and then added one teaspoon undiluted to my shampoo. I am so sold on good apple cider vinegar. My hair was soft and my skin was like silk.
Save on Laundry Soap
There is a law in Florida that states that anyone who takes a bath must do it with their clothes on.
Real Cowboy Country
Lander, Wyoming, has a law on its books that when cold weather arrives it is illegal for an adult to take more than one bath a month and children are not suppose to take a bath at all during the winter.
Intriguing Bird Baths
Most species of birds take regular baths. A study was conducted on five species of migratory birds from America to the Yucatan. Warblers who are normally territorial birds that frequently engage on threats and fights to enforce their boundaries against other birds, let down their combative natures when it comes to bathing, taking turns with four other species of birds they normally contend with.
This information is for informational purposes only. It is in no way intended to provide medical advice, to treat, diagnose or cure any illness. Neither the author nor publisher take any responsibility for procedures, possible consequences from exercise, application or action resulting from reading or following the information presented in this publication. The publication of this information does not replace the advice of a health care provider or your physician. Seek the advice of your health care provider or physician.
Considerations for teenyboppers: Take some precautions such as the size of a child. The smaller a child is the greater the surface area that is covered relative to their body weight. A child also has a higher transepidermal water loss and absorption with topically applied agents. Children should always have especial care as per water temperature and bath additives. In my opinion, babies already have perfect skin.
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